847 research outputs found

    New insights into second and fourth-order direction finding for NonCircular sources

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    International audienceThese last three decades, many second order (SO) and higher order (HO) high resolution (HR) direction finding (DF) methods, such as 2q-MUSIC (q ≥ 1), exploiting the information contained in the SO or HO circular (C) cumulants of the data, have been developed. However, for 2qth-order non-circular (NC) sources such as M-PSK sources with M ≤ 2q, strong gains in performance may be obtained by taking into account the information contained in both 2qth-order C and NC cumulants of the data, giving rise to NC 2qth-order DF methods. Numerous NC DF methods have been developed these last fifteen years but mainly at the SO and under restrictive assumptions on the sources. The purpose of this paper is to give new insights into NC 2q-MUSIC methods for 1 ≤ q ≤ 2 and for arbitrary NC sources

    Noncircular Waveforms Exploitation for Radar Signal Processing : Survey and Study for Agile Radar Waveform

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    International audienceWith new generation of Active Digital Radar Antenna, there is a renewal of waveform generation and processing approaches, and new strategies can be explored to optimize waveform design and waveform analysis and to benefit of all potential waveform diversity. Among these strategies, building and exploitation of the Noncircularity of waveforms is a promising issue. Up to the middle of the nineties, most of the signals encountered in practice are assumed to be second order (SO) circular (or proper), with a zero second correlation function. However, in numerous operational contexts such as in radio communications, the observed signals are either SO noncircular (or improper) or jointly SO noncircular with a particular signal to estimate, to detect or to demodulate, with some information contained in the second correlation function of the signals. Exploitation of this information in the processing of SO noncircular signals may generate dramatic gain in performance with respect to conventional processing and opens new perspective in signal processing. The purpose of this paper is to present a short overview of the interest of taking into account the potential SO noncircularity of the signals in signal processing and to describe the potential interest of SO noncircular waveforms for radar applications

    Noncircularity exploitation in signal processing overview and application to radar

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    International audienceWith new generation of Active Digital Radar Antenna, there is a renewal of waveform generation and processing approaches, and new strategies can be explored to optimize waveform design and waveform analysis and to benefit of all potential waveform diversity. Among these strategies, building and exploitation of the Noncircularity of waveforms is a promising issue. Up to the middle of the nineties, most of the signals encountered in practice are assumed to be second order (SO) circular (or proper), with a zero second correlation function. However, in numerous operational contexts such as in radio communications, the observed signals are either SO noncircular (or improper) or jointly SO noncircular with a particular signal to estimate, to detect or to demodulate, with some information contained in the second correlation function of the signals. Exploitation of this information in the processing of SO noncircular signals may generate dramatic gain in performance with respect to conventional processing and opens new perspective in signal processing. The purpose of this paper is to present a short overview of the interest of taking into account the potential SO noncircularity of the signals in signal processing and to describe the potential interest of SO noncircular waveforms for radar applications

    Spatial synchrony in stream fish populations: influence of species traits

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    Spatial synchrony in population dynamics has been identified in most taxonomic groups. Numerous studies have reported varying levels of spatial synchrony among closely-related species, suggesting that species' characteristics may play a role in determining the level of synchrony. However, few studies have attempted to relate this synchrony to the ecological characteristics and/or life-history traits of species. Yet, as to some extent the extinction risk may be related to synchrony patterns, identifying a link between species' characteristics and spatial synchrony is crucial, and would help us to define effective conservation planning. Here, we investigated whether species attributes and temperature synchrony (i.e. a proxy of the Moran effect) account for the differences in spatial population synchrony observed in 27 stream fish species in France. After measuring and testing the level of synchrony for each species, we performed a comparative analysis to detect the phylogenetic signal of these levels, and to construct various multi-predictor models with species traits and temperature synchrony as covariates, while taking phylogenetic relatedness into account. We then performed model averaging on selected models to take model uncertainty into account in our parameter estimates. Fifteen of the 27 species displayed a significant level of synchrony. Synchrony was weak, but highly variable between species, and was not conserved across the phylogeny. We found that some species' characteristics significantly influenced synchrony levels. Indeed, the average model indicated that species associated with greater dispersal abilities, lower thermal tolerance, and opportunistic strategy displayed a higher degree of synchrony. These findings indicate that phylogeny and spatial temperature synchrony do not provide information pertinent for explaining the variations in species' synchrony levels, whereas the dispersal abilities, the life-history strategies and the upper thermal tolerance limits of species do appear to be quite reliable predictors of synchrony levels

    High resolution direction finding from rectangular higher order cumulant matrices: The rectangular 2Q-music algorithms

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    Desperately looking for the right target in osteoarthritis: the anti-IL-1 strategy

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    Blocking IL-1 in patients with knee osteoarthritis is an attractive strategy. Cohen and colleagues report a randomised, placebo-controlled, multiple-dose trial using a monoclonal antibody blocking IL-1 type 1 receptor. They failed to show any positive results in terms of evolution of pain for up to 12 weeks, in line with the former trials using intraarticular injections of IL-1 receptor antagonist. A trend was observed, however, in a subgroup of patients with high level of pain at baseline. Although these data may suggest cessation of IL-1 therapy in osteoarthritis, other methods such as limited intraarticular anti-IL-1 delivery should still be considered

    A LEADER akciócsoportok és partnerségi hálózatok működésének tanulságai Baranya megyében

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    A vidékfejlesztésnek a közös agrárpolitika (2007–2013) második pillérébe történő eredményes integrálásához a helyi szereplők kezdeményezéseire épülő közösségi tervezési módszerek elsajátítása szükséges, ami egyben a LEADER egyik célja is: alulról építkező helyi fejlesztéssel javítani a vidéki térségek helyzetét, hatékonyabbá tenni a forrásfelhasználást. Az Európai Unióban jellemzően sikeres LEADER-módszer beépült a Nemzeti Vidékfejlesztési Programba és az Új Magyarország Vidékfejlesztési Tervbe, végrehajtása a Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium hatáskörébe tartozik. Fontos kérdés azonban, hogy a megvalósítás során a magyarországi intézményi és eljárási keretek diktálta sajátos feltételek mennyiben alkalmasak a helyi szereplők aktív részvételének ösztönzésére, a helyi demokrácia konszolidálására. Baranya megyében végzett empirikus kutatásokra építve két szempontból tárgyaljuk a helyi akciócsoportok megszervezésének és működésének kérdését: a partnerségi együttműködések összetételén és a szereplők közötti hálózatok elemzésén keresztül. Az „erős” polgármesterek – részint vállalt szerepük, részint tekintélyük okán – központi helyet foglalnak el ezekben a hálózatokban. A LEADER-tengely működését vizsgálva úgy tűnik, az önkormányzatok (jellemzően a polgármesterek) uralják a programot, és ők játszanak meghatározó szerepet az akciócsoportok partnerségi struktúrájában. Az alapelvek értelmében decentralizált, alulról építkező, az önkormányzati, a civil és a vállalkozói szféra egyenrangú partnerségére építő LEADER program magyarországi megvalósulása így a központi hatalom túlsúlya (a központosított, bürokratikus szabályozási környezet) mellett a helyi hatalom, a helyi önkormányzat dominanciájával jellemezhető
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